Image showing several page templates from the Thistle WordPress theme on iPads on a cream background

Meet Thistle

Not gonna lie, I’m a big reader and Thistle may or may not be my ode to bookstagramers! Designed with all types of blogs in mind, Thistle includes countless sections to highlight your content and images. Plus, Thistle comes with the option to build out a shop, great for small sellers and sharing affiliate products.

Thisle Theme Features

1. Dynamic Page Building

Thistle is built using the Gutenberg block editor and the Kadence Blocks plugin. This means you can tap into powerful page building features, including the ability to change spacing, sizes, and even showing/hiding elements based on device. With unlimited building options, you can change anything you’d like in the Thistle WordPress theme.

For even more powerful block options, I highly recommend Kadence Blocks Pro (not required by theme).

2. Powerful Customizer

Thistle is a Kadence child theme, giving you access to Kadence’s versatile customizer. You can leverage features including:

  • Drag and drop Header and Footer builder
  • Option for transparent and/or sticky header
  • Custom layout selection: choose between standard, narrow width, full width, left sidebar, or right sidebar layouts. You can change these on a per-section or per-page basis.
  • Scroll to top button
  • Global color customization
  • Global typography customization
and so much more

3. Custom Page Templates + Elements

Thistle includes custom page templates and elements to help you build your site.

  • Two Home Templates
  • About
  • Portfolio
  • Coming Soon
  • Instagram Landing
  • Contact

Hot Tip: You can also copy/paste different sections to make each page your own.

4. SEO and Core Web Vitals Optimized

What’s the point of having a beautiful site if it doesn’t get seen? With Thistle, you’ll be SEO optimized! This means that SEO plugins like Yoast or Rank Math can do their thang and boost your site’s spot on search engines like Google and Bing. Plus, being Core Web Vitals optimized means your site will be fast, which Google is a big fan of!

Ready to elevate your site?

Love for Gadabout

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